Dr. Komorowski specializes in procedures such as labiaplasty and vaginoplasty. Performing approximately 600 surgeries annually, he ensures that each patient receives high-quality, personalized care. Dr. Komorowski's dedication to continual professional development ensures that he stays at the forefront of his field, delivering exceptional outcomes to his patients.
Education and Specialization:
Graduatedin 1991 from the Military Medical Academy in Łodz.
Specialization in gynecology and obstetrics at the Gynecological Department of the Military Hospital in Krakow.
Specialization at the Szczeklik Provincial Hospital in Tarnów.
SP ZOZ Brzesko in the Gynecological and Obstetric Department.
Deputy Chief Resident at the SP ZOZ Brzesko in the Gynecological and Obstetric Department.
Deputy Head of Treatment Affairs at NZOZ "MEDYK II" in Iwkowa.
Chief of the Gynecological and Obstetric Department in Mielec.
Senior Assistant at MEDIKOR Hospital in Nowy Sącz.
Additional Certifications and Courses:
Certified in advanced urogynecology, Certified in gynaecological laparoscopy, Certified in breastfeeding support, Certified in cryosurgery, Certified in fetal echocardiography.
Training and courses in the country and abroad, including Holland and Czechia
Surgical Expertise:
Conducts various gynecological surgeries, including labiaplasty and vaginoplasty.
Professional Attributes:
Highly qualified and compassionate medical professional.
Committed to expanding knowledge and skill set to provide comprehensive and personalized care.